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The Environment at Smugglers'

Environmental Policy Green Initiatives: Wildlife & Habitat Protection Energy Recycling Water Quality & Conservation Contact Us

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Smugglers' Notch, Vermont - Environmental Charter

The Environment - an Important Part of Your Family Vacation!

Our environmental policy statement:

Smugglers' Notch Resort Management and Employees are committed to being responsible stewards of Vermont's natural resources. Vermont's intrinsic beauty and healthfulness are integral to our business. We live here, and working to maintain it comes naturally.

Smugglers' policy of environmental stewardship pervades all of our activities. We seek to raise the environmental awareness of guests and employees, and to broaden their knowledge and appreciation through educational programs along with our active and passive use of the land for year-round recreation.

Our development and maintenance programs are guided by principles of land and energy conservation, by forest and wildlife habitat preservation, and by maintaining Vermont's water quality and aesthetic beauty.

We are committed to reusing, recycling and treating waste through innovative techniques in a concerted effort to minimize impact on the environment.

Together we will shape a sustainable community for the future.

Smugglers' is an environmental leader in Vermont and in the resort industry.
Among our environmental initiatives are these:

Wildlife & Habitat Protection — Ongoing tracking of both the Bicknell's thrush and the black bear, including their habitat, corridors and effects on ski trail work and transplantation of rare plant species from potentially disturbed areas

Energy Efficiency — Our communities developed since 1996 are all built with all 5-star Energy Star ratings

Recycling Programs — Curb-side recycling pickup for all guest homes throughout the resort; diversion rate of 15%

Water Quality and Conservation Program and The Living Machine

Smugglers' is proud to partner with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation to offer recreational opportunities within the Mount Mansfield State Forest. Most of the land we ski or snowboard on at Smugglers' is part of the State Forest. Lease payments made by Smugglers' to the Department help fund the operation of Vermont's State Parks, popular with state residents and visitors alike. For more information on the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, please visit their website
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