We received 6 inches of the fluffy stuff overnight. This new snow is just what we needed, allowing patrol to open another 12 trails this morning. We have top-to-bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 6 lifts operating, including Madonna 1. We now have 63 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. Surface conditions are powder and packed powder with average base depths of 12 to 52 inches. 38 trails have been groomed for today, including Shuttle, Drifter, Goat Path, Sam’s Run, Hibernator, Thomke’s Express, Jolly Rodger, and the skier’s right on Upper FIS for a total of 199 acres of freshly groomed terrain. I skied Harvey’s Hideaway this morning and it was so good! It was groomed the night before last and was still flat. The new snow on top of the smooth surface was heavenly!
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