Madonna Mountain
Lower F.I.S.
If you’re ever feeling the need for speed, this will probably do. This blue banks right off Link on Madonna to offer steeper wide pitches and natural rollers. 2400 feet, […]
Lower Liftline
Home of the Family Fun Race Course, this blue trail has “Last one to the lift is a rotten egg” written all over it. The “Horse can really see the […]
Legend has it that it got its name from a federal agent who was part of watching out for bootlegging during Prohibition. Located just above the Madonna II Chair, it […]
Moonshiner’s Glades
It’s a really sweet intro to glades that is in two parts, starting off at McPherson’s and continuing across to Lower Chilcoot. Fairly easy to negotiate, it offers wide open […]
Mulcahy’s Link
A wonderful cruiser, regularly groomed, that “links” you to an incredible smorgasbord of options from bumps to racecourses to glades. 3650 feet, .69 miles
Norwegian Woods
Let’s say you’ve just ripped something big up from the top of Madonna but aren’t ready to be done with the thrill yet. Or, you’ve had a nice cruiser from […]
What’s in a name? Lots of blue cruising fun on Lower Madonna. 500 feet, .09 miles
Red Fox Glades
Intro to glade skiing 101. You’re in, you’re out for a quick taste. Off the Drifter cruiser, it’s one of those picture-perfect places, especially after a new snow. You’ll love […]
Robin’s Run
Your “A” game is required here. You better bring it on this cliff huckin’, tree duckin’, stump jumpin’, heart pumpin’ super double black expert chute. 1875 feet, .36 miles
Gary and Ruth Brewster were two of Smugglers’ favorites, both as longtime condo owners, and running our Country Store for many years. In recognition of their dedication and service, we […]
Don’t tell me this trail ain’t got no heart; you’ve just got to poke around. 2612 miles, .49 miles
The Shire
The easier way around to Bermuda. A much gentler route into our sweet gladed bowl above Madonna II Chair, located off Gary B’s Northwest Passage. 836 feet, .16 miles
The name might infer a boring access trail between Madonna and Sterling. Hardly. Stay on top of it as it serves up some surprises bringing you eventually onto Rumrunner/Crossover on […]
Three Mountain Glades
When the morning sun comes over the summit of Madonna, it bathes these birch-lined glades in a golden light that makes you feel like you’re in a dream. When you […]
Upper Chilcoot
So many trails nowadays are six-lane boulevards straight down the hill. Yawn! Ooooh just take a run down Chilcoot! Named after a mountain pass in Alaska, this blue intermediate trail […]
Upper Drifter
On any given day, this blue is a “magical mystery tour.” As if the really diverse cruising terrain isn’t enough, wait until you see the views of the Adirondacks, Mt. […]
Upper F.I.S.
The creation of Bob Beattie, former coach for Middlebury College’s ski team and the U.S. Ski Team. Designed in 1963, it was made to conform to world-class slalom standards, but […]
Upper Liftline
Powder Magazine calls this trail “…the meanest and nastiest trail in the East…” and for good reason. Air time is inevitable along the band of ledges on route to the ridiculously steep headwall. It’s double black and all there.
Picture yourself on a boat on a river, taking lazy turns down a peaceful consistent trail when you decide to make a right turn – Whoa! Wake up! Hello Waterfall! […]
Knight’s Revenge Gladed Park
This natural feature park located in the Knight’s Revenge intermediate/advanced glades which cross Link on Madonna Mountain between Lower Rumrunner and Lower Madonna Liftline. Knight’s Revenge will contain log slides […]
Madonna Mountain
Madonna Mountain at Smugglers’ Notch is a premier destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It offers diverse terrain for skiing and snowboarding and boasts breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding Green Mountains. […]
Madonna/Sterling Mountain Base Lodge
Dining and Services on the Slopes At this on-mountain location, we offer a variety of dining options and essential services. You will find everything you need to have a fun […]