The Vertical Challenge was fantastic! My daughter Hayleigh and I entered the race. We had a blast racing head to head. You raced twice, once on each course. It was so cool to see racers as young as 6 and racers as young as 77! A great time was had by all for sure. After the awards ceremony Hayleigh and I headed back to the Village for the Dunkin’ on the Mountain. Dunkin’ Donuts was next to the clock tower giving out donuts and samples our their new energy drink. Hayleigh and I took them up on both! A day full of fun. Tomorrow we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with all 8 lifts operating. We have 41 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. 31 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, including Snow Snake, Log Jam, Sam’s Run, Chilcoot, Upper FIS, Black Snake, and Smugglers’ Alley for a grand total of 127 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are machine groomed and variable with average base depths of 8 to 36 inches. We should have some spring conditions with tomorrow’s warmer temperatures. Currently, it is cloudy and 32 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for mostly cloudy skies with a high of 48 degrees at the base and 43 degrees at higher elevations.

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