Sunshine and mild temperatures


Spring is in the air


Currently it is partly sunny and 35 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 5 to 15 mph. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for cloudy skies with a chance of some rain, wind, and temperatures between 44 and 59 degrees. We are expecting winds that could affect some of the lift operations tomorrow. Check the trail by trail report tomorrow morning for the latest information on lift operations.

Lifts and Trails

Weather permitting tomorrow we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 7 lifts operating. We have 77 out of 78 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. We plan to groom 30 trails tonight for a grand total of 132 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions will be spring conditions and machine groomed with average base depths of 24 to 54 inches.


Morven having fun on the snow slide near Morse Highlands Lodge


Kiran skiing through King Billy Bob’s Den



Snowman at Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift


Allison shooting out of the Way up High School in the Sugar Woods


High fives at mid station to the kids who are going to the top


Snow Sport University Fun


Jonah having fun in the glades on Morse

I have been working as a helper for Snow Sport University this week.  Our group is between 4 and 6 years old. We started on Sir Henry’s Learning Hill on Monday morning.  We made sure we could all turn and stop before venturing onto the Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift. We then started with mid station runs on Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift. Yesterday we had a blast on the Magic Learning Trail, Wanderer, Lower Morse Liftline, and King Billy’s Bob Den. Today we did a warm up run to mid station before we headed to the top of the Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift.  We then skied around the world, which is Midway to Curley’s Cutback and then to Meadowlark. We also had a great time in Yellow Cat’s Lair and skiing the glades off the Magic Learning Trail. Tomorrow’s fun includes more runs before the World Famous Cookie Race on Sir Henry’s Learning Hill.


Taking time to reflect

Lifts and Trails

We are 99 percent open. Tomorrow we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 6 lifts operating, including the Madonna I Lift. We have 77 out of 78 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. The Black Hole, Freefall, and Madonna Liftline are open from the traverse on Upper FIS. Surface conditions are packed powder and powder with average base depths of 24 to 54 inches. We plan to groom 42 trails tonight, including Shuttle, Ruthie’s, Snow Snake, Wanderer, Smugglers’ Alley, and Hangman’s Drop.


Luke may have a snowy face, but he is in his happy place!


Currently it is 26 degrees with partly sunny skies and winds of 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for partly sunny skies with increasing clouds and temperatures between 27 and 48 degrees.


Fresh snow


Snow Sport University Snowboard Instructor Violette with her fuzzy companion

New Snow

We received 3 to 4 inches of new snow in the past 24 hours and 318 inches this season so far.

Lifts and Trails

We are 99 percent open. Tomorrow we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 6 lifts operating. Surface conditions are packed powder and powder with average base depths of 24 to 54 inches. We plan to groom 41 trails tonight, including Smugglers’ Alley, Goat Path, and Snow Snake for a grand total of 145 acres of freshly groomed terrain.


Mogul Mouse working the snow magic


Currently it is partly sunny and 12 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for a chance of snow showers in the afternoon with temperatures between 4 and 21 degrees.


Hannah is happy about the new snow


Lidia cruising down Sam’s Run


Smuggs Family Members


Callen and Aaron on Snow Snake

I would like you to meet Callen and his dad Aaron. They are from Toronto and this is their first time visiting Smugglers’ Notch. I was in line to get on Mogul Mouse’s Magic lift this morning when I heard someone say “That run was so much fun!”  I turned to ask “Which run did you take?”  Aaron told me that they took a right when they got off at the top of Mogul Mouse’s Magic lift.  I told them that trail is called Snow Snake and is one of my favorites on Morse Mountain.  Aaron told me, “That they really enjoyed the features of the trail and the new snow!”  Aaron said that they are having a wonderful time exploring Smuggs and they are definitely coming back! Welcome to the Smuggs Family Callen and Aaron. Enjoy your vacation and we look forward to your next trip back here at Smuggs!  



100 percent open


Shay teaching on the Magic Learning Trail

Lifts and Trails

Tomorrow we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with all 8 lifts operating. We have all 78 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. Surface conditions are packed powder and powder with average base depths of 24 to 54 inches.  We plan to groom 43 trails tonight, including Upper FIS, Smugglers’ Alley, and Snow Snake for a grand total of 156 acres.



Headed into King Billy Bob’s Den


Currently it is 16 degrees at the summit of Sterling with partly sunny skies and winds of 0 to 5 mph. Tonight’s forecast is calling for snow with up to 5 inches of accumulation possible. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for a chance of mix early becoming snow later with temperatures between 21 and 39 degrees.

New Snow

We received 6 inches of new snow in the past 2 days, 15 inches in the past week, and 300 inches this season so far!


Snow angel under the Mogul Mouse Magical Lift near the base


Mother Nature in her Tipi on Morse Mountain between the Magic Learning Trail and Lower Morse Liftline.


Early morning groom


Groomer on Morse Mountain

Lifts and Trails

We have 46 skiable trails and 30 lift accessible trails open today. The Madonna I lift is on hold. We have 5 lifts operating, Sterling, Mogul Mouse’s Magic, Village, Morse Highlands, and Sir Henry’s Glider. We hope to open the Madonna II lift around11 amm this morning. Surface conditions are machine groomed and variable with average base depths of 20 to 50 inches.


Currently it is cloudy and 30 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 0 to 5 mph. Today’s forecast is calling for cloudy skies with a chance of some light rain and temperatures between 28 and 36 degrees.


Smuggs Family

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI would like you to meet Jenny and Josie Monto. The Monto family is from Delaware and have been coming to Smuggs for the past 17 years!  Jenny is a life long skier and her daughter Josie is also a life long skier. Josie learned how to ski here at Smuggs. Josie decided that she wanted to try snowboarding while they were here at Smuggs. Josie did not want to try snowboarding by herself, so Jenny decided to try snowboarding with her. I met Jenny and Josie at Sir Henry’s Learning Hill where they were getting ready for their lesson. It very nice to meet you and I hope you have a wonderful vacation here at Smuggs!

New Snow

We received 5 inches of new snow in the past 24 hours, 43 inches in the past week, and 270 inches this season so far!

Lifts and Trails

The Madonna I lift, Madonna II lift, and Village lift are presently on cold hold. We have 78 skiable trails and 46 lift accessible trails open today. We have 5 lifts operating today: Sterling , Mogul Mouse, Morse Highlands, Sir Henry’s Wonder Carpets, and the Sterling T-Bar. 43 trails have been groomed for today, that’s 156 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are packed powder and powder with average base depths of 30 t0 60 inches.


Currently it is -7 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 15 to 25 mph. Today’s forecast is partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of snow showers and temperatures between -8 and +8 degrees. Bundle up and enjoy the great conditions!


It’s snowing again

New Snow

We received 1 to 2 inches of new snow this morning and 14 inches in the past 6 days with more to come!

Lifts and More Open Terrain

Today we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with all 8 lifts operating. We now have 66 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. Black Hole, Robin’s Run, Freefall, and Upper Madonna Liftline are all open.  Surface conditions are powder and packed powder with average base depths of 14 to 44 inches. 29 trails have been groomed for today, including Upper FIS, Thomke’s, and Curley’s Cutback that’s a grand total of 126 acres of freshly groomed terrain.


Cleaning the new snow off the chairs on Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift


Currently, it is snowing hard and 24 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 10 to 20 mph. Today’s forecast is calling for snow showers 3 to 5 inches of accumulation possible with temperatures between 12 and 27 degrees.