Longtime Smuggs Family Member



Bud at the top of the Village Lift

I would like you to meet Bud Conger. Bud has been skiing for 63 years and has been teaching skiing here at Smuggs for 54 years! Three generations of Congers have been instructors here at Smuggs. Bud’s daughter Maureen use to instruct here at Smuggs. Bud and his grandson Brendan are both presenting instructing here at Smuggs.  It is great to see Bud out on the slopes having fun, he is truly an inspiration.



Racing into the weekend


Snow Sport University Ski Instructor Dara competing in the Harvey Wesson Race Series

New Snow

We received 9 inches of new snow in the past 24 hours, 39 inches in the past 4 days, and 198 inches this season so far!

Lifts and Trails

Tomorrow we plan to have top to bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with all 8 lifts operating. We have 72 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. Surface conditions are powder and packed powder with average base depths of 20 to 50 inches. 36 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, including Upper Drifter, Smugglers’ Alley, and Snow Snake for a grand total of 135 acres of freshly groomed terrain.


We are presently making snow on Lower Rumrunner. Tonight and tomorrow we plan to make snow Playground and McPherson’s. They will be closed tomorrow along with Moonshiner’s Glades due to the snowmaking.


Currently it is -5 degrees at the summit of Sterling with light snow and winds of 10 to 20 mph. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for partly cloudy skies with temperatures between -3 and +11 degrees.

Local Programs

Mini Mites and Mitey Mites begin this weekend.


FREE Family Fun Race on Saturdays and Sundays

Lower Madonna Liftline 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Who’s the fastest in your family? Find out on our timed race course sponsored by HearthStone Stoves!


Smiles for miles


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnother amazing day here at Smuggs! It has been one of the most snow filled Novembers I can remember. The 4 inches of new snow that we received last night were smaller flakes, which made the snow surface denser. The denser snow skied like it was deeper than it was because it allowed you to float with less snow. I had two fantastic powder runs early this morning with my good friend Matt McCawley ( see the photos in post below).  I then got to ski with my good friends Geoff and Tony. Today was special because Tony turned 50 years young.  A great way to celebrate, making powder with your good friends!  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis afternoon I took a couple runs with the Snow Sport University Supervisors. They were having fun training in the wonderful snow.


The lines are charged and our snowmakers getting ready to make snow on Upper Chilcoot and Waterfall tonight.

Lifts and Trails

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATomorrow we plan to have the Sterling Lift and Sir Henry’s Wonder Carpet operating. We have 32 trails open with base depths of 14 to 40 inches. Sir Henry’s Learning Hill is open for beginners. This weekend we plan to have the Madonna I lift operating which will almost double our trail count. 8 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, for a grand total of 30 acres of freshly groomed terrain.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATomorrow the forecast is calling for increasing clouds with temperatures between 20 and 34 degrees.