Today’s light rain has turned to snow in the upper mountains and will change to snow in the Village soon. This weather system will bring in 1 to 3 inches of new snow tonight. There is a wind advisory for tonight and tomorrow. We are looking at winds of 30 mph at lower elevations, 40 mph at the summits, and gusting higher. These winds could affect lift operations tomorrow. Please check the report in the morning for the latest information. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for a chance of snow showers early then skies becoming sunny with a high of 27 degrees at the base and 20 degrees at higher elevations. Weather permitting tomorrow we plan to have skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 6 lifts operating. We have 53 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. 39 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, including Drifter, Lower Pipeline, Snow Snake, Smugglers’ Alley, Ruthie’s, Goat Path, Meadowlark, and Thomke’s for a total of 190 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are machine groomed and variable with average base depths of 12 to 50 inches. Feature photo was taken this afternoon on Snow Snake.

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